INL sTaTbOy! Individual stats

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tab stats

Name        | avg	norm	total	min	rank
A Random SM | 1.00	2.31	203	88	1/82
rebel       | 0.97	2.24	222	99	2/82
Samwise     | 0.88	2.02	178	88	3/82
Gen SMACKar | 0.82	1.88	147	78	4/82
Wolf-ish    | 0.76	1.76	116	66	5/82
sand man    | 0.66	1.52	199	131	6/82
American Ex | 0.60	1.38	117	85	7/82
havok       | 0.47	1.09	95	87	8/82
sir Wolfe   | 0.41	0.95	255	269	9/82
Ogretzky    | 0.39	0.90	94	104	10/82
Ninja Wolf! | 0.39	0.90	180	201	11/82
Sergei Tube | 0.38	0.87	91	105	12/82
FUCK YOU ZE | 0.36	0.84	178	212	13/82
SMACKaroni  | 0.34	0.78	107	137	14/82
B-)         | 0.34	0.78	78	100	15/82
;}          | 0.32	0.73	74	101	16/82
Flying Fuck | 0.29	0.66	170	257	17/82
}}:-)       | 0.29	0.66	56	85	18/82
*sigh*      | 0.24	0.56	49	88	19/82
Clueless    | 0.24	0.55	46	84	20/82
slot scum   | 0.23	0.53	42	79	21/82
Warsong McS | 0.22	0.51	43	84	22/82
SMACK Dogg  | 0.21	0.49	49	101	23/82
Lon Chaney  | 0.20	0.46	71	156	24/82
Fuck Smack  | 0.19	0.45	38	85	25/82
ScEpTrE     | 0.19	0.44	37	84	26/82
Cpt. Fuck Y | 0.18	0.42	104	246	27/82
boyfriday   | 0.18	0.41	34	83	28/82
Caesar      | 0.18	0.41	38	93	29/82
Capt Nipple | 0.18	0.40	34	84	30/82
Random SMAC | 0.17	0.39	37	95	31/82
Timber      | 0.15	0.35	55	156	32/82
Divine Wind | 0.14	0.33	31	95	33/82
One-leg     | 0.13	0.31	29	94	34/82
Zarik       | 0.13	0.30	54	180	35/82
Modem Tuber | 0.13	0.30	36	122	36/82
censored: f | 0.13	0.29	27	93	37/82
Wolfhound   | 0.12	0.29	31	108	38/82
Grimmy!     | 0.12	0.29	30	105	39/82
Psychotic W | 0.12	0.27	31	113	40/82
AtG         | 0.12	0.27	58	215	41/82
Theo Fleury | 0.12	0.27	27	101	42/82
Ice Jehovah | 0.11	0.26	27	103	43/82
twink wolf  | 0.11	0.26	41	159	44/82
Specter     | 0.11	0.25	21	85	45/82
--==]>      | 0.10	0.23	43	185	46/82
Moo         | 0.10	0.23	19	84	47/82
StarDuck    | 0.10	0.22	28	127	48/82
centaur     | 0.09	0.22	19	87	49/82
SMACKiavell | 0.09	0.21	35	164	50/82
Hot fudge   | 0.09	0.21	18	86	51/82
I Don't Giv | 0.09	0.20	27	133	52/82
Red Wolf    | 0.08	0.18	33	181	53/82
Akita       | 0.08	0.17	31	179	54/82
fuck it     | 0.07	0.16	14	85	55/82
Traci Lords | 0.07	0.16	15	92	56/82
FisherSMACK | 0.07	0.15	13	85	57/82
rutabega    | 0.07	0.15	33	218	58/82
Rising Forc | 0.06	0.15	26	179	59/82
The Enforce | 0.06	0.14	13	91	60/82
Wolfram     | 0.06	0.14	25	177	61/82
Leper Messi | 0.06	0.13	11	85	62/82
Winnie the  | 0.06	0.13	11	86	63/82
Mojo Riser  | 0.05	0.11	11	96	64/82
qaz         | 0.05	0.11	10	95	65/82
  .         | 0.04	0.10	8	83	66/82
happyfish   | 0.04	0.09	13	142	67/82
ensign      | 0.04	0.09	23	260	68/82
crippler    | 0.04	0.08	14	165	69/82
:0)         | 0.04	0.08	8	95	70/82
Bobby Hull  | 0.03	0.08	8	106	71/82
Pantrick Ro | 0.03	0.07	7	102	72/82
Grimjack    | 0.02	0.06	10	180	73/82
Mr. Staple. | 0.02	0.04	7	184	74/82
Kant        | 0.02	0.04	3	82	75/82
I Suck at S | 0.02	0.03	5	144	76/82
Fuckin Eh.  | 0.01	0.03	3	93	77/82
Liberator   | 0.01	0.01	1	73	78/82
GameMiscond | 0.00	0.01	1	105	79/82
?:-)        | 0.00	0.00	0	181	80/82
Beer Wolf   | 0.00	0.00	0	69	81/82
Cerberus    | 0.00	0.00	0	101	82/82

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This page is maintained by Jan Sandorf, any suggestions and/or comments should be sent to